Maybe this is your first time hosting Thanksgiving. (If that’s the case, don’t worry: We’re going to get through this together.)
Maybe it’s your fiftieth time hosting. (Doesn’t that pressure start to weigh on you?)
Whatever the case, you don’t have to make a big to-do over it. If you’re feeling the heat this holiday season, here are a few easy tips to make sure this Thanksgiving goes off without a hitch—and without a whole lot of effort, either..
1. Go Small and Stay Home
You might not expect this from the family that’s selling you the turkey, but I’m here to tell you it’s okay not to roast a whole bird. If you’re keeping Thanksgiving small this year, a turkey breast roast is perfect for feeding six to eight guests—whether you like them or not. (Not to mention it’s a time and stress-saver.) Want another option for stress-free savory satisfaction? Check out our Holiday Cook-In Bag Turkey Breast Roast: no prep, no mess, and you get to devour a mouthwateringly delicious turkey. Boom. Roasted.

2. It’s Time to Pick Sides
If you’re hosting, then you’re the de facto dinner director this holiday. And if you’re a leader, then it’s your job to delegate! Have a clear picture in mind and make it easy for your guests; either ask them to bring side dishes by category (veggies, starches, desserts, desserts, did we say desserts?) or put together a holiday dish wish list. Trust us: one of the best ways to make hosting easy as pie is to ask somebody else to bring the desserts. 😎

3. Oven Game Plan
Okay, coach. (Yes, we know we changed up the metaphor, but the “leader” thing wasn’t going to work with this one.). Everybody’s got different temperatures and time needs. It’s your job to draw up a game plan for who’s using the oven when. (Turkey is MVP!) Most importantly, ask that side dishes come pre-warmed to save yourself the game of oven Tetris.

Make it a BYOBFTB affair. That is, ask your guests to “bring your own bottle for the bar.” It’s an easy way to ensure you’ll be sitting pretty (or tipsy), have lots of beer, wine, and spirits for you and your guests to sip from and you and your wallet will still be on speaking terms when you wake up in the morning.

5. The One Where Friendsgiving Gets Creative
For a fresh, modern take on a traditional holiday, give the classics a contemporary spin. Consider sweet potato stuffing, cranberry pie, or fried mac & cheese appetizers. This way, you’ll get to test out new recipes and see which ones you want to take home to mom. (She’ll say she just wants you to be happy, but we both know her palate’s more refined than that…)

6. Meat? Cute.
Don’t sweat the hors d’oeuvres. Before you know it, your table will be brimming with more food and flavor than any one army could take. Instead of gorging on appetizers before your bird’s even touched the oven, put together a charcuterie board. It doubles as a gorgeous centerpiece and keeps grumbling stomachs at bay while you wait for your “fashionably” late friends.

7. Send ‘em Packing
Sure, we’d all love to be left with endless pounds of turkey to feast on for days. But Thanksgiving is about sharing the love; it’s only fair you’d share the leftovers, too. Send your guests home with leftover goodies in the containers they brought, so no extra food overstays its welcome in your fridge. Some weird uncle’s already got that covered.

Have a Quick & Easy Turkey Recipe of Your Own?
Throw it on Instagram and tag @diestelfamilyranch. We’d love to see what you’ve got.